Cd Baby Publishing Agreement

(h) the management and recovery of all funds from the operation of the compositions over the life of the entire territory. After the expiry of the term and the duration of use, we still have the right to recover all the revenues to be paid for the exploitation of the compositions obtained during or before the duration and/or period of use for a period of 1 year after the deadline for the use of this composition. In addition, you understand that it is your responsibility to notify PROs or other affected licensing agencies or licensees at the end of the period of use, and if you do not, we may continue to receive revenue on your behalf. If, after the current period of use, we receive funds that have been earned by a PRO or other third-party licensing agency, licensee or other agency because of their actions or omissions or your non-compliance with the third party concerned under the expiry of the use period, you acknowledge that our receipt of this agreement does not constitute a violation of this Agreement and that we have the right to accept such funds on your behalf. In this case, our management fees apply to these funds and we will transfer all net revenues to you as soon as we report to you if this endorsement and the time frame of use were still in effect. a) To use publishing services, you need to create a BABY CD account (the ”Account”). As part of the account registration, the author is asked to choose a unique username and password and provide CD Baby with accurate and complete registration information to access the website and publishing services. Writer is solely responsible for all activities on the Writer account, so make sure your username and password remain confidential and secure. If Writer`s registration information changes at any time or if you learn or suspect that your account was used or obtained by someone who is not allowed to use it, please notify the Baby CD immediately. Not all materials sent to CD Baby will be returned. While Songtrust and CD Baby Pro are partners, they are separate publishers and songwriters can only record songs in Songtrust or CD Baby Pro, but never both (this would send these songs into a publication conflict and thus freeze the royalty collection). (d) payment terms.

We will try to provide you every day in the safe member login area for accounting details, but we are not considered a violation of this addition because we do not provide you with this information every day.

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